Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Come to see sometimes when the time comes having no

lucky fill every day.Is very self-contradict in Zhang Yu Xin:If don,t win money, that later how does oneself develop his/her own influence.Not is say to build up one to belong to his/her own dynasty.Take care of his, greatly not lose for a day and win for a day, lose a little bit little, win to order more.It is so all right.Hence Zhang Yu beat to settle simultaneously train for physical fitness, strengthen own real strenght, part win money and lay the foundation of a little for oneself later development to the game hall.The lesson in morning is very quick past.Deng Yun according to practice of again make Zhang Yu have a meal.However Zhang Yu this time Authentic NFL Jerseys pays.Because is not likely to always make the other people invite you.2 people had a meal, the peace Be often similar to gamble to the game hall.Zhang Yu has already beaten good idea today and lost a point to him, tomorrow get back.And Zhang Yu also has a plan, because the game hall isn,t only an either, he intends the time in evening go to another 1 again to make back, and still small smallly win a point.Tomorrow is time wins a point here and loses a point over there.Then continue thus, change once a week.Zhang Yu bought 100 currencies and all threwed into, Deng Yun also bought 100 currencies.Zhang Yu didn,t be like sealed to note so before of pressed, but pressed several 12 hands of running pretty muches first, then added to note, not medium again added to note, continuously added to note, not and in a short while, Zhang Yu finishes losing these 100 pieces.Zhang Yu didn,t buy, because of today he originally be come to lose.Losing is many not just similar.Arrive at a Deng Yun this place, Deng Yun still just wager, see his[one] extremely proud of success appearance knowing that he won a lot."Bean sprout, wins much better, see your mouthses all smile slanting."Zhang Yu asks a way."Ha ha, don,t win a lot of, won 300 many, won 1 to speed, I pressed 100 much cent, the behind lost to order to return to again."Deng Yun says with smile."That walked match.About."Zhang Yu saw Deng Yun also won and then receive him to walk."Boon, all right.Walk."Said and then pressed to back currency key.After Deng Yun converted money, two one people bought a bottle of water to walk toward school.On the road, Zhang Yu and Deng Yuns say:"Bean sprout, win many for these two days.""Boon, won 500 many."Deng Yun says with smile."Controling breath is badly really good."Zhang Yu smiled to smile to say."Boon.Yes.I invite you to go out to play on Sunday."Deng Yun says to Zhang Yu.", Come to see sometimes when the time comes having no."Does Zhang Yu think that

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